

The following researchers and administrative staff are working in Kolingasse. Each week we also host visitors as listed below.


Name Title Room # Email +43 1 4277 ext
Aschenbrenner, Matthias Univ.-Prof. PhD 07.51 Email 50550
Bardyla, Serhii PhD 07.43 Email 50567
Cieślak, Aleksander mag. 07.49 Email
Eskew, Monroe PhD 07.47 Email 50560
Eterović, Sebastian PhD 07.43 Email
Fischer, Vera Assoz. Prof., Privdoz. PhD 07.50 Email 50520
Friedman, Sy David Prof. i.R. PhD 07.56 Email 50501
Gallart Rodriguez, Curial PhD 07.43 Email 07.43
Maříková, Jana PhD 07.42 Email 50571
Millhouse, Julia Marie BSc MSc 07.57 Email
Padgett, Adele Lee PhD 07.43 Email 50518
Panagiotopoulos, Aristotelis Ass.-Prof. PhD 07.52 Email 50556
Pynn-Coates, Nigel PhD 07.43 Email 50538
Schilhan, Jonathan PhD 07.43 Email 50562
Sobota, Damian PhD 07.54 Email 50555
Switzer, Corey Bacall Privdoz. PhD 07.54 Email 50575
Ziegler Hunts, Julian James BSc MSc 07.57 Email
Żuchowski, Tomasz mag 07.57 Email

Find here a list of former members.

Administrative staff

Name Task area Room # Email +43 1 4277 ext
Czarnecki, Petra organisational assistant

safety representatives (SVP), first aider and fire prevention officer

07.48 Email 50501
Springer, Richard math:IT

fire prevention officer

07.55 Email 50519

Find here are list of former administrative and IT people.

Current visitors

NameVisit periodRoom #E-Mail

Find here the list of the former visitors.