Iterations with ultrafilter-limits and fam-limits

16.11.2023 15:00 - 15:50

D. A. Mejía (Shizuoka U, JP)


The method of finite support iterations with fams (finitely additive measures) on the power set of the natural numbers was first developed by Saharon Shelah (2000) to construct a model of ZFC where the cofinality of the covering of measure is countable. This type of iterations, as well as iterations with ultrafilter-limits, has played a fundamental role in recent work about the consistency of Cichon's maximum (with Kellner, Goldstern, and Shelah, also with Tanasie).

In this talk, I present recent progress and generalizations of the technique of iterations with ultrafilter-limits and fam-limits, and its effect on some classical cardinal characteristics of the continuum, as developed in joint work with Brendle, Miguel Cardona, and Andrés Uribe-Zapata (as well as in work by Takashi Yamazoe).




HS 11, 2. OG, OMP 1