Sy David Friedman's 60th-Birthday Conference


Sy turns 60 in May 2013, and he would like to celebrate his birthday with some of his favourite logicians during this 5 day meeting in Vienna.

The meeting will be very relaxed. The speakers are invited to give 30 minute talks about anything they want. And apart from logic, there should be lots of time for social and touristic activities.

Dates: Monday July 8 - Friday July 12, 2013. Venue:The conference will take place at the Josephinum, located at Währinger Straße 25 in Vienna's 9th district (Alsergrund).


Arrival: Sunday July 7, 2013. Departure: Saturday July 13, 2013. Conference: Monday–Friday
You are welcome to come to the KGRC Sunday afternoon, to get some information (WLAN passwords etc.) and, if you have been offered financial support, fill out or sign your reimbursement form. It is in no way necessary to show up at Sunday afternoon, there is no formal registration procedure.
Social Events (more information here)
Tuesday recital; Wednesday factory visit and gala dinner; Friday excursions, fishing and dinner.


02:00 pm    Registration
06:00 pm    


09:00 am    Hi from Sy
09:10 am    Bob Coecke:       Math, physics, language and music. slides
09:40 am    
09:50 am    John Baldwin:      Categoricity and Completeness: Formalization without Foundationalism. slides

10:20 am    Coffee Break

10:50 am    Victor Selivanov: Descriptive Set Theory and Computation Theory. slides
11:20 am    
11:30 am    Wilfried Greiner:   Two Romans meet ...

12:00 pm    Lunch Break (until 2:15 pm)
01:30 pm    Reimbursement desk open (untill 2:00 pm)

02:15 pm    Luca Motto Ros:   On the Invariant Universality Property. slides
02:45 pm    
02:55 pm    Clinton Conley:     Local complexity among treeable equivalence relations, part 1. abstract

03:25 pm    Fancy Break: Cake and Sekt!

04:10 pm    Menachem Magidor:When Physics meets Set Theory.
04:40 pm    
04:50 pm    Tatiana Arrigoni:    The Hyperuniverse Program from a philosophical point of view. abstract
05:20 pm    
05:30 pm    Ali Enayat:           Mathematics meets Poetry: Omar Khayyam. abstract
06:00 pm    


09:00 am    Asger Törnquist:   Analytic eventually different families of functions are not maximal. abstract
09:30 am    
09:40 am    Vladimir Kanovei:  Surreal numbers from the point of view of nonstandard analysis. abstract

10:10 am    Coffee Break

10:40 am    Andre Nies:         Metric Spaces and Computability Theory. abstract slides
11:10 am    
11:20 am    Jörg Flum:           Some remarks on a 60-year old model-theoretic method. abstract slides

11:50 am    Lunch Break
11:50 am    Reimbursement desk open; 12:30: Trip to bursar's office

02:00 pm    Chitat Chong:      The Minimal alpha-degree revisited.
02:30 pm    
02:40 pm    Masahiko Sato:    Viewing λ -terms through Maps. slides
03:10 pm    
03:20 pm    Sam Sanders:      Infinitesimals and Computability: A marriage made in Platonic Heaven. slides
03:50 pm    
05:00 pm    Musical Evening!


09:00 am    Julia Knight:        Strongly minimal theories with computable models. abstract slides
09:30 am    
09:40 am    Arnold Beckmann: Parity Games and Resolution. abstract slides

10:10 am    Coffee Break

10:40 am    Jörg Brendle:       Maximality and definability. abstract
11:10 am    
11:20 am    Ilene Friedman and Greg Gregory: Sarasota, Florida. videos

11:50 am    Lunch Break
03:30 pm    Augarten Tour!
05:00 pm    Drinks and Banquet!


09:00 am    Tetsuo Ida:        Graphs for Computational Origami - formalism and algorithms. abstract  
09:30 am    
09:40 am    Andreas Weiermann: How is it that Infinitary Methods can be applied to Finitary Mathematics?

10:10 am    Coffee Break

10:40 am    Ajdin Halilovic:     The other side of the Tree Property. slides
11:10 am    
11:20 am    Dilip Raghavan:    Combinatorial dichotomies and cardinal invariants. abstract

11:50 am    Lunch Break

02:00 pm    Valentina Harizanov: Effective Categoricity of Injection Structures. abstract slides
02:30 pm    
02:40 pm    Mohammad Golshani: Violating GCH everywhere by a cofinality-preserving forcing. abstract  03:10 pm    Coffee Break

03:40 pm    Miguel Mota:        More applications of the method of "rigid iterations with side conditions".
04:10 pm    
04:20 pm    Russell Miller:       Local Computability and the ordinal ωck1×ω. abstract slides
04:50 pm    
05:00 pm    Lev Beklemishev:  Positive provability logic. abstract
05:30 pm    

FRIDAY July 12

09:00 am    Sam Buss:           On Clause Learning Algorithms for Satisfiability. abstract slides
09:30 am    
09:40 am    Gunnar Wilken:     A short introduction to Patterns of Resemblance. abstract

10:10 am    Coffee Break

10:40 am    Natasha Dobrinen: Sliders. abstract slides
11:10 am    
11:20 am    Ben Miller:            Local complexity among treeable equivalence relations, part 2. abstract
11:50 am    
12:00 pm    Olga Krok and Petri Enges: Fishing in Finland. video

12:30 pm    Lunch Break
02:20 pm    Fishing!  (meet at the KGRC, leave there at 14:20)


International participants

  • Alessandro Andretta, University of Torino, Italy
  • Tatiana Arrigoni, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy (not confirmed)
  • John Baldwin, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
  • Arnold Beckmann, Swansea University, UK
  • Lev Beklemishev, Russian Academy of Sciences and Moscow State University, Russia
  • Jörg Brendle, Kobe University, Japan
  • Andrew Brooke-Taylor, Kobe University, Japan
  • Ulrik Buchholtz, Stanford University, USA
  • Sam Buss, University of California San Diego, USA
  • Chi Tat Chong, National University of Singapore
  • Bob Coecke, University of Oxford, GB
  • Clinton Conley, Cornell University, USA
  • Natasha Dobrinen, University of Denver, USA
  • Ali Enayat, Gothenburg University, Sweden
  • Petri Enges, Pori, Finland
  • Jörg Flum, University of Freiburg, Germany
  • Ilene Friedman, Sarasota, Florida, USA
  • Sakae Fuchino, Kobe University, Japan
  • Michal Garlík, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
  • Moti Gitik, Tel Aviv University, Israel
  • Mohammad Golshani, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Iran
  • Greg Gregory, Sarasota, Florida, USA
  • Ajdin Halilovic, The University of South-East Europe, Romania
  • Valentina Harizanov, The George Washington University, USA
  • Peter Holy, University of Bristol, UK
  • Tapani Hyttinen, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Tetsuo Ida, University of Tsukuba, Japan
  • Vladimir Kanovei, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Ahmad Karimi, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran
  • Alekos Kechris, California Institute of Technology, USA
  • Julia Knight, University of Notre Dame, USA
  • Peter Koepke, University of Bonn, Germany
  • Laura Kovacs, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden and TU Wien, Austria
  • Olga Krok, Pori, Finland
  • Giorgio Laguzzi, University of Freiburg, Germany
  • Benedikt Loewe, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands and University of Hamburg, Germany
  • Menachem Magidor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
  • Andrew Marks, California Institute of Technology, USA
  • Ben Miller, University of Münster, Germany
  • Russell Miller, Queens College, CUNY, USA
  • Miguel Mota, University of Toronto, Canada
  • Luca Motto Ros, University of Freiburg, Germany
  • Andre Nies, University of Auckland, New Zealand
  • Ján Pich, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
  • Dilip Raghavan, Kobe University, Japan
  • Michael Rathjen, University of Leeds, UK
  • Hiroshi Sakai, Kobe University, Japan
  • Sam Sanders, Ghent University, Belgium
  • Masahiko Sato, Kyoto University, Japan
  • Victor Selivanov, A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems, Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
  • Neil Thapen, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  • Asger Toernquist, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Michael Toppel, University of Leeds, UK
  • Andreas Weiermann, Ghent University, Belgium
  • Philip Welch, University of Bristol, UK
  • Gunnar Wilken, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
  • Tin Lok Wong, Ghent University, Belgium
  • Yi Zhang, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, P.R.China

Participants from Austria

  • Hans Adler, Kurt Gödel Research Center, University of Vienna
  • Carolin Antos-Kuby, Kurt Gödel Research Center, University of Vienna
  • Agata Ciabattoni, University of Technology Vienna
  • Vincenzo Dimonte, University of Technology Vienna
  • Arthur Fischer, Kurt Gödel Research Center, University of Vienna
  • Vera Fischer, Kurt Gödel Research Center, University of Vienna
  • Ekaterina Fokina, Kurt Gödel Research Center, University of Vienna
  • Laura Fontanella, Kurt Gödel Research Center, University of Vienna
  • Lidia Friedman, Vienna
  • Sy-David Friedman, Kurt Gödel Research Center, University of Vienna
  • Martin Goldstern, University of Technology Vienna
  • Wilfried Greiner, Vienna
  • Brigitte Greiner-Pesau, Vienna
  • Stefan Hoffelner, Kurt Gödel Research Center, University of Vienna
  • Radek Honzik, Kurt Gödel Research Center, University of Vienna
  • Jakob Kellner, Kurt Gödel Research Center, University of Vienna
  • Yurii Khomski, Kurt Gödel Research Center, University of Vienna
  • Martin Koerwien, Kurt Gödel Research Center, University of Vienna
  • Vadim Kulikov, Kurt Gödel Research Center, University of Vienna
  • Alexander Leitsch, University of Technology Vienna
  • Moritz Müller, Kurt Gödel Research Center, University of Vienna
  • Matthias Schröder, Kurt Gödel Research Center, University of Vienna
  • Katerina Sinclair, Vienna
  • Scott Sinclair, Vienna
  • Anda-Ramona Tanasie, Kurt Gödel Research Center, University of Vienna
  • Peter Telec, Kurt Gödel Research Center, University of Vienna
  • Claudio Ternullo, Kurt Gödel Research Center, University of Vienna
  • Fabio Tonti, Kurt Gödel Research Center, University of Vienna (not confirmed)
  • Victor Torres Perez, Kurt Gödel Research Center, University of Vienna
  • Dan Turetsky, Kurt Gödel Research Center, University of Vienna
  • Agatha Walczak-Typke, Vienna
  • Wolfgang Wohofsky, University of Technology Vienna
  • Liuzhen Wu, Kurt Gödel Research Center, University of Vienna
  • Lyubomyr Zdomskyy, Kurt Gödel Research Center, University of Vienna

Social events

We have planned three lively social events for the meeting!

Tuesday, July 9: recital

A recital will take place on Tuesday, July 9 at KLAVIERgalerie, Kaiserstrasse 10, 1070 Wien. The recital features both opera arias as well as piano and guitar performances.


Program (overview):
    17:00–18:00 Opera arias accompanied by piano (mostly Puccini, local professsionals)
    18:00–19:30 Food pause: sandwiches and salads
    19:30–20:30 Piano and guitar (KGRC members and visitors)
Detailed program: here

Wednesday, July 10: gala dinner

The gala conference dinner will take place on Wednesday, July 10 in the Restaurant Decor in the beautiful Augarten park. The restaurant is situated in the same building as the Augarten Porcelain Factory, one of the most famous porcelain factories in the world. For those interested in the work of the factory, at 15:50 there will be an approx. one hour visit to the factory and its museum. An aperitif will be served in the restaurant at 17:00–17:30 followed by dinner at 18:00. Further entertainment with unexpected surprises will take place during dinner!

The restaurant is easy to reach by public transportation: it is situated close to the U2 station Taborstraße, as well as to tram 31/bus 5A station Obere Augartenstraße. It is also within a walking distance from the KGRC.

There will be no strict dress code for the event. However, the restaurant defines its style as "casual elegant", and suitable clothing will be highly appreciated.

Friday, July 12: excursion and dinner

An excursion to the Wittgenstein Museum in Trattenbach followed by fishing and a dinner in the restaurant Wechselforelle will take place on Friday, July 12. The meeting point is the KGRC, where we will leave at 14:20. After an approx. 1 hour bus trip, there will be a 30-minute tour of the museum. After a walk (or a short ride by bus) to the restaurant, we will have the opportunity to fish in the fish pond of the restaurant. Fishing gear will be provided. The fish we catch will be prepared and served. Don't worry if you don't catch anything; those who have no luck may still order fresh fish at the restaurant. Other dishes are also available.

If you have registered for this event, please make sure that you bring waterproof shoes and clothes with you, as the event will take place even if it rains!