Former grants

The KGRC gratefully acknowledges funding from the following sources. The homepages of most of the funding agencies can be found here.

FWF Austrian Science Fund


  • V. Fischer, Combinatorics and Definability, Y1012 (2018–2024)

Principal investigator projects:

  • V. Dimonte, The Strength of Very Large Cardinals, P27815 (2015–2016)
  • E. Fokina, Algorithmic Randomness and Computable Model Theory, P23989 (2011–2014)
  • S. Friedman
    *Constructibility, class Forcing and Extender Models, P13983 (2000–2003)
    * Pure Set Theory: Inner Models, Forcing and Absoluteness, P16334 (2003–2007)
    *Applied Set Theory: Ideals, wellordering and combinatories, P16790 (2003–2007)
    *Inner models, large cardinals, constructibility, projective sets Pure Set Theroy, P19375 (2007–2010)
    *Set Theroy: inner models, outer models, , P19898 (2007–2010)
    *Set Theory: the hyperunivers, Ramsey theory, P20835 (2008–2012)
    *Set Theory: Forcing, projective sets and morasses, P21968  (2009–2012) mit M. Goldstern
    *Set Theory: Dichotomies and definable wellorders, P22430 (2010–2015)
    *HOD and Higher Descriptive Set Theory, P23316 (2011–2015)
    *Infinity Project, P24654 (2012–2016),
    *Genericity and the Stable Core P25671 (2013–2015)
    *Regularity Properties in Set Theory, P25748 (2013–2017)
    *Large Cardinals, Forcing and Determinacy P28157 (2015–2020),
    * The Hyperuniverse Programme P28420 (2016–2021)
  • J. Kellner
    *Many precipitous ideals, P21651 (2009–2012)
    *Forcing, creatures, oracles and large continuum, P23875 (2012–2016)
  • A. Medini. The topology of filters, P30823 (2017–2021)
  • H. Mildenberger, Combinatorial Set Theory of the Real Line, P20229 (2008–2010)
  • B. Miller
    *Countable Borel equivalence relations: P28153 (2015–2018)
    *Analystic structures P29999 (2017–2020)
  • M. Müller, Complexity Theory in Feasible Mathematics, P28699 (2016–2018) mit J. Pich
  • S. Terwijn, Logic and Probability. P20346 (2008)

Hertha Firnberg program:

  • D.C. Montoya Amaya,Singular cardinals and cardinal characteristics, T1100 (2020–2024)

ESPRIT program:


Lise Meitner program:

  • S. Bardyla, Compact-like topological spaces and groups, M2967 (2020–2022) - with Zdomskyy
  • V. Fischer, Infinite combinatorics and large continuum , M1365 (2012–2015) - with Friedman
  • E. Fokina, Algorithmic properties of structures and theories, M1188 (2010–2012) - with Friedman
  • M. Gavrilovich, Model theory and homotopy M1202 (2010–2012) - with Friedman
  • Y. Hayut, Reflection and Compactness in Set Theory, M2650 (2019–2020)- - with Friedman
  • J. Hirschorn,
    *Set Theoretic Forcing with Measure Algebras : M626 (2002–2003) - with Friedman
    *Set Theoretic Forcing with Measure Algebras, M749 (2003–2004) - with Friedman
  • M. Kesälä, Classification theory for non-elementary classes, M1073 (2008–2010) - with Friedman
  • M. Koerwien, Connections between model theory and set theory, M1410 (2012–2014) - with Friedman
  • M. Moreno,Generalized Baire spaces, structures and combinatorics, M3210 (2021-2023) - with Zdomskyy
  • A. Medini, Topological homogeneity and infinite powers, M1851 (2015–2017) - with Friedman
  • D. Sobota, Set-theoretic methods in Banach spaces, M2500(2018–2020) - with Zdomskyy
  • K. Thompson, Set theoretic classification results for relational structures, M1076 (2008–2010) - - with Friedman
  • Z. Vidnyánszky, Definable graphs and their applications, M2779 (2019–2022) - with Miller, Aschenbrenner
  • T. Weinert, Combinatorics & Definability Properties of Entire Functions, M3037 (2021-2023) - with Fischer
  • T. Yorioka, Combinatorics on the reals and forcing theory, M933 (2006-2007) - with Friedman
  • L. Zdomskyy, Combinatorics of generalized continuum and large cardinals, M1244 (2011-2013) - with Friedman

Elise-Richter program:

  • E. Fokina, Automatic structures among computable structures, V206 (2012–2016)
  • S. Müller, Long games and determinacy when sets are universally Baire: V844 (2021-2023)

International/ERA Nets projects:

  • With Prague (GACR):
    S. Friedman, The continuum, forcing and large cardinals I1921 (2014–2019)
    L. Zdomskyy, Logic and Topology in Banach spaces, I2374 (2016–2020)
    V. Fischer, Compactness Principles and Combinatorics I4039 (2019–2022)
    D. Sobota, Banach spaces of continuous and Lipschitz functions, I4570 (2020–2023) with PIs Ch. Bargetz [University of Innsbruck, Austria]

  • With Novosibirsk (RFBR):
    S. Friedman, Definability and Computability, I1238 (2013–2017)

  • With Kobe (JSPS):
    J. Kellner, New developments in set-theoretic forcing I1272 (2013–2017)

  • With Ljubljana (ARRS):
    L. Zdomskyy,
    *General topology and set-theoretic methods I1209 (2013–2017),
    *Forcing, fusion, and combinatorics of open covers I3709 (2019–2022)

  • With Warsaw (WEAV):
    D. Sobota, Analytic P-ideals, Banach spaces, and measure algebras, I5918 (2022-2025) with PI B. Farkas [TU Wien]

Joint Seminars:

  • With St. Petersburg (RFBR):
    S. Friedman
    *Finitary and infinitary logic AJS310-N18, (2009)
    *Computability and definability AJS328-N18, (2010)
  • With Kobe (JSPS):
    J. Kellner/S. Friedman, Forcing in set theory, AJS336-N13,(2012)

EU Marie Curie

European Union funded two projects (Reintegration Grants) implemented at the KGRC:

  • J. Kellner, Class forcing,  FP7 PERG02-GA-2207-224747 (2008–2011). This project received additional funding by the Austrian Ministry of Research (FP7 Zusatzfinanzierung).
  • A. Törnquist, Descriptive Set Theory and Operator Algebras, FP7 PIRG-GA-2009-249167 (2009–2012)

In addition, two KGRC members received outgoing Intra-European-Fellowships (to the Hebrew U. of Jerusalem, Israel):

  • J. Kellner FP6 MEIF-CT-2006-024483 (2006–2008)
  • H. Mildenberger FP7 PIEF-2008-219292 (2009–2010)

Templeton Foundation

ESF European Science Foundation

The KGRC participated in the ESF Research Networking Programme New Frontiers of Infinity (2009–2014), funding the following visitors to the KGRC: T. Arrigoni, D. Asperó, V. Dimonte, B. Irrgang, T. Johnstone, A. Karagila (twice), J. Knight, B. Miller, R. Miller, A. Montalban, M. Sabok (twice), H. Sakai, B. Tsaban.

Erasmus Mundus

The Erasmus Mundus program EM ECW14 partially funded the visit of L. Wu (2010–2011).

ÖAW Austrian Academy of Sciences

APART fellowship:

  • J. Aguilera, Determinacy on the Edge of Analysis (prolongation 2023)
  • L. Zdomskyy, Applications of Set Theory in Topological Algebra (2013–2015)

L’Oréal Austria fellowship:

  • S. Müller, Determinacy and Large Cardinals (2020-2021)

DOC fellowship:

  • C. Antos-Kuby, Foundations of Classic Forcing (2013–2015)
  • J. Kellner, Non-elementary Proper Forcing (2001–2002)
  • M. Koelbing, Gaps in The Generalized Baire Space (2017–2020)
  • W. Wohofsky, Small subsets of the real line and generalizatons of the Borel Conjecture (2009–2012, this grant was implemented at TU Wien)

OeAD Austrian Agency for International Cooperation
in Education and Research

The OeAD has granted an

  • Aktion Österreich-Ungarn project (grant 85öu3, 2012–2013) and

  • S&T cooperations (ScientificTechnological Cooperations (WTZ grants)):
    - with Spain
      * grant 3/2004 (2004–2005)
    - with Poland
      * grant PL 01/2009 (2009–2010)
      * grant PL 01/2011 (2011)
    - with the Czech Republic
      *grant CZ 04/2009 (2009–2010)
      *grant CZ 02/2011 (2011–2012)
      *grant CZ 10/2013 (2013–2014)
      *grant CZ 04/2015 (2015–2016)
      *grant CZ 06/2017 (2017–2018)
      *grant CZ 07/2019 (2019–2020)
      *grant CZ 20/2023 (2023-2024)


The Österreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft has granted an

MOEL-Plus-Programmes MOEL 237 "Mengenlehre. definierbare Wohlordnungen" Travel and lecture grant to Russia/St. Petersburg/Eulrer Institut, for 3 months 2007, 4125 euros.



German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes)

The following KGRC member received a fellowship from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation:

  • M. Inselmann (2015–2017)

Additional funding for conferences

  • Kurt Gödel Society (contributions to several conferences and workshops)
  • Wiener Tourismusverband (accomodation subsidy for several workshops)
  • Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna (contributions to several conferences and workshops)
  • Mathematischer Zirkel an der Universität Wien (contribution to the ESI Conference 2009)
  • Association for Symbolic Logic (student travel awards to (KGRC) conferences)