The university provides a database of the publications created at the KGRC since 2005. You can browse the database online here.
Showing entries 361 - 380 out of 522
Motto Ros L. On the complexity of the relations of isomorphism and bi-embeddability. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2012;140:309-323.
Repovs D, Zdomskyy L. On the Menger covering property and D-Spaces. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2012;140(3):1069-1074.
Brendle JD, Khomskii Y. Polarized partitions on the second level of the projective hierarchy. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic. 2012;163:1345-1357.
Fischer V, Friedman SD, Tornquist A. Projective maximal families of orthogonal measures with large continuum. Journal of Logic and Analysis. 2012;4(9):1-15.
Müller M, Flum J. Some definitorial suggestions for parameterized proof complexity. In 7th International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7535.. 2012. p. 73-84
Friedman SD, Honzík R. Supercompactness and failures of GCH. Fundamenta Mathematicae. 2012;219(1-2):15-36. doi: 10.4064/fm219-1-2
Carson J, Fokina E, Harizanov V, Knight J, Quinn SM, Safranski C et al. The computable embedding problem. Algebra and Logic. 2012;50(6):478-493. doi: 10.1007/s10469-012-9160-2
Miller B. The graph-theoretic approach to descriptive set theory. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 2012;18(4):554-575. doi: 10.2178/bsl.1804030
Coskey S, Hamkins JD, Miller R. The Hierarchy of Equivalence Relations on the Natural Numbers Under Computable Reducibility. Computability: The journal of the Association Computability in Europe. 2012;1(1):15-38.
Medini A, Milovich D. The topology of ultrafilters as subspaces of 2^omega. Topology and Its Applications: a journal devoted to general, geometric, set-theoretic and algebraic topology. 2012;159(5):1318-1333. doi: 10.1016/j.topol.2011.12.009
Welch P. Weak systems of Determinacy and Quasi-Inductive definitions. Journal of Symbolic Logic. 2011 May 19;76(2):418-436. doi: 10.2178/jsl/1305810756
Miller B. A classical proof of the Kanovei-Zapletal canonization. Contemporary Mathematics (CONM). 2011;533:281-285.
Friedman SD, Motto Ros L. Analytic equivalence relations and bi-embeddability. Journal of Symbolic Logic. 2011;76(1):243-266.
Friedman SD. Bpfa and inner models. Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science. 2011;19(1):29-36.
Caicedo A, Friedman SD. Bpfa and projective well-orderings of the reals. Journal of Symbolic Logic. 2011;76(4):1126-1136.
Fokina E, Knight J, Melnikov AG, Quinn SM, Safranski C. Classes of Ulm type and coding rank-homogeneous trees in other structures. Journal of Symbolic Logic. 2011;76(3):846-869.
Friedman SD, Holy P. Condensation and Large Cardinals. Fundamenta Mathematicae. 2011;215(2):133-166.
Müller M, Chen Y, Flum J. Consistency and optimality. In Proceedings of the 7th Computability in Europe (CiE), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6735,. Springer. 2011. p. 61-70
Caicedo A, Clemens J, Conley C, Miller B. Definability of small puncture sets. Fundamenta Mathematicae. 2011;215(1). doi: 10.4064/fm215-1-2
Showing entries 361 - 380 out of 522