Courses Winter Semester 2017/2018

Note: To be graded, your registration including name, enrollment number, e-mail address, and signature is required in the first two weeks of the semester!

Note: All lectures at the KGRC are given in English, or at least can be given in English if requested.

Place "KGRC": Währinger Straße 25top floor, lecture room 101

Master's program

Number Type Hours (ECTS) Title Module Lecturer Time Place Language
250074 VO 4.0 (6.0) Introduction to mathematical logic MLOL Sandra Müller Wed 4:30pm–6:00pm, Fri 3:00pm–4:30pm
starts 2017‑10‑04
KGRC English
250075 PS 2.0 (3.0) Introductory seminar on mathematical logic MLOL Marlene Koelbing Fri 10:45am–12:15pm
starts 2017‑10‑06
KGRC English
250122 VO 2.0 (7.0) Reading course in set theory MLOV Vera Fischer Fri 9:00am–10:30am
starts 2017‑10‑06
KGRC English
250073 VO 3.0 (5.0) Introduction to theoretical computer science MLOI Vera Fischer Tue 3:15pm–5:30pm
starts 2017‑10‑03*
KGRC English
250099 SE 2.0 (4.0) Seminar (Mathematical logic) MLOS Sy-David Friedman Mon, Wed 2:00pm–3:00pm
begins 2017‑10‑02**
KGRC English
250098 SE 2.0 (4.0) Research seminar in mathematical logic MLOS Sy-David Friedman Thu 4:00pm–6:00pm
starts 2017‑10‑05
KGRC English
250121 VO 2.0 (4.0) Selected topics in set theory MLOV Ben Miller Tue, Thu 2:00pm–3:00pm
starts 2017‑10‑03
KGRC English

* There will be no lecture on October 10. The next lecture will take place on October 17.

** There will be no lectures on October 9 and October 11. The next lecture will take place on October 16.


Master Mathematics (821 -version 2016 [2])

MLOL: Basic courses, specialization "Logic" ➡ Elective Modules (75 ECTS)

MLOI - Theoretical Computer Science

part of master's program, 3.6. Mathematical logic and theoretical computer science -> Core modules logic

MLOS - Seminars: Mathematical Logic and Theoretical Computer Science

part of master's program, 3.6. Mathematical logic and theoretical computer science -> Core modules logic

MLOV - Vertiefungslehrveranstaltungen für den Studienschwerpunkt "Mathematische Logik und theoretische Informatik" (courses elaborating on mathematical logic and theoretical computer science as an area of study)

part of master's program, 3.6. Mathematical logic and theoretical computer science -> Core modules logic