Courses Summer Semester 2025
Master's program
Number | Type | Hours (ECTS) | Title | Module | Lecturer | Time | Place |
250089 | SE | 2.0 (4.0) | Logic Colloquium | MLOS | Aschenbrenner, Fischer, Panagiotopolous |
Thu 15:00–15:50, starts 2025‑03‑06 |
OMP1 |
250102 | SE | 2.0 (4.0) | Research Seminar in Set Theory | MLOS | Fischer, Panagiotopolous, Millhouse |
Thu 11:30–13:00, starts 2025‑03‑04 |
Kolin |
250153 | VO | 3.0 (5.0) | Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science | MLOI | Maříková | Mon 11:30–13:00, Thu 9:45–11:15, starts 2025‑03‑04 |
Kolin |
510010 | SE | 2.0 (4.0) | Research Seminar in Model Theory (VSM) | MLOS | Aschenbrenner, Maříková, Padgett, Ziegler Hunts |
Wed 11.30–13.00, starts 2025‑03‑ |
Kolin |
250136 | VO | 4.0 (6.0) | Topics in Model Theory | MLOV | Aschenbrenner | Tue, Thu 13:15–14:45, starts 2025‑03‑04 |
Kolin |
250137 | VO | 3.0 (5.0) | Topics in Set Theory | MLOV | Fischer | Tue, Thu 8:00–9:30, starts 2025‑03‑04 |
Kolin |
250138 | VO | 4.0 (6.0) | Dynamics of Polish Groups | MLOV, MSTV | Panagiotopolous | Tue, Thu 9:30–11:15, starts 2025‑03‑04 |
Kolin |
Modules & information
- Mathematics (821 - version 2016 [2])
MLOS (SE), MLOI VO) - part of the elective modules (75 ECTS) → Mathematical logic and theoretical computer science (51 ECTS) → Core modules logic
MLOV (VO) - part of the elective moduleselective modules (75 ECTS) → Mathematical logic and theoretical computer science (51 ECTS) → Topics courses
MSTV (VO) - part of the elective moduleselective modules (75 ECTS) → Stocastics and dynamical systems (51 ECTS) → Core modules stochastics
In order to receive a grade, your registration, including name, enrollment number, e-mail address, and signature is required within the first two weeks of the semester!
Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Vienna, HS11, 2fl = OMP1
Kolingasse 14-16, 1090 Vienna, SR 10, 1st fl.
All courses are in English
Find here the logic courses in one schedule.