392 22.1.2024 Neer Bhardwaj and Lou van den Dries Analytic Ax-Kochen-Ersov theory with lifts of the residue field and value group
391 22.1.2024 Steven Dale Cutkosky and Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Kähler differentials of extensions of valuation rings and deeply ramified fields
390 22.1.2024 Steven Dale Cutkosky, Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann and Anna Rzepka On the computation of Kähler differentials and characterizations of Galois extensions with independent defect
389 15.10.2023 Konstantinos Kartas Valued fields with a total residue map
388 15.10.2023 Konstantinos Kartas Decidability via the tilting correspondence
387 15.10.2023 Konstantinos Kartas An undecidability result for the asymptotic theory of \(p\)-adic fields
386 15.10.2023 Konstantinos Kartas Diophantine problems over tamely ramified fields
385 29.6.2023 Franziska Jahnke und Konstantinos Kartas Beyond the Fontaine-Wintenberger Theorem
384 29.6.2023 Sylvy Anscombe, Philip Dittmann und Franziska Jahnke Ax-Kochen-Ershov principles for finitely ramified henselian fields
383 29.6.2023 Philip Dittmann, Franziska Jahnke, Sebastian Krapp und Salma Kuhlmann Definable valuations on ordered fields
382 29.6.2023 Sylvy Anscombe und Franziska Jahnke Characterizing NIP henselian fields
381 29.6.2023 Sylvy Anscombe und Franziska Jahnke The Model Theory of Cohen rings
380 29.6.2023 Yatir Halevi, Assaf Hasson und Franziska Jahnke Definable V-topologies, Henselianity and NIP
379 29.6.2023 Yatir Halevi, Assaf Hasson und Franziska Jahnke A conjectural classification of strongly dependent fields
378 29.6.2023 Steven Dale Cutkosky and Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Kähler differentials of extensions of valuation rings and deeply ramified fields
377 29.6.2023 Steven Dale Cutkosky, Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann and Anna Rzepka Characterizations of Galois extensions with independent defect
376 22.2.2023 Bernard Teissier Equations for Formal Toric Degenerations
375 26.1.2023 Clifton Ealy and Jana Maříková Quantifier elimination for o-minimal structures expanded by a valuational cut
374 23.1.2023 A. Linzi Notes on valuation theory for Krasner hyperfields
373 23.1.2023 H. Lombardi and A. Mahboubi Valuative lattices and spectra
372 23.1.2023 M. E. Alonso García, H. Lombardi and S. Neuwirth On a theorem by de Felipe and Teissier about the comparison of two henselisations in the non-noetherian case
371 23.1.2023 M. Coste, H. Lombardi and M.-F. Roy Dynamical method in algebra: Effective Nullstellensätze
370 23.1.2023 M. E. Alonso García and H. Lombardi Local Bézout Theorem for Henselian rings
369 19.1.2023 Victor Lisinski Decidability of positive characteristic tame Hahn fields in \(\mathcal{L}_t\)
368 19.1.2023 Victor Lisinski Approximation and algebraicity in positive characteristic Hahn fields
367 28.12.2022 A. Linzi and P. Touchard On the hyperfields associated to valued fields
366 4.11.2022 I. Chipchakov On algebraic central division algebras over Henselian fields of finite absolute Brauer \(p\)-dimensions and residually arithmetic type
365 24.10.2022 J. Novacoski A characterization for the defect of rank one valued field extensions
364 3.9.2022 E. Nart Rigidity of valuative trees under henselization
363 3.9.2022 M. Alberich-Carramiñana, J. Guàrdia, E. Nart and J. Roé Valuations with infinite limit-depth
362 3.9.2022 M. Alberich-Carramiñana, J. Guàrdia, E.Nart, A. Poteaux, J. Roé and M. Weimann Polynomial factorization over henselian fields
361 3.9.2022 E. Nart and J. Novacoski The defect formula
360 3.9.2022 E. Nart and J. Novacoski Geometric parametrization of valuations on a polynomial ring
359 24.8.2022 Sylvy Anscombe, Philip Dittmann and Arno Fehm Axiomatizing the existential theory of \(\mathbb{F}_q((t))\)
358 24.8.2022 David Bradley-Williams and Immanuel Halupczok Riso-stratifications and a tree invariant
357 24.8.2022 Arpan Dutta and Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Tame Key polynomials
356 8.11.2021 Pierre Touchard Burden in Henselian Valued Fields
355 25.9.2021 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann and Enric Nart Cuts and small extensions of abelian ordered groups
354 25.9.2021 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Approximation types describing extensions of valuations to rational function fields
353 20.9.2021 David Bradley-Williams and Immanuel Halupczok Spherically complete models of Hensel minimal valued fields
352 23.7.2021 M. Alberich-Carramiñana, J. Guàrdia, E. Nart and J. Roé Valuative trees over valued fields
351 9.6.2021 Arpan Dutta Minimal pairs, minimal fields and implicit constant fields
350 17.12.2020 Andrei Bengus-Lasnier Minimal Pairs, Truncations and Diskoids
349 15.11.2020 Enric Nart Small extensions of abelian ordered groups
348 12.11.2020 Dorin Popescu Néron desingularization of extensions of valuation rings
347 28.10.2020 Hanna Ćmiel, Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann and Katarzyna Kuhlmann A generic approach to measuring the strength of completeness/compactness of various types of spaces and ordered structures
346 21.10.2020 Wieslaw Kubiś and Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Chain union closures
345 10.7.2020 Anuj Jakhar and Srinivas Kotyada On the irreducible factors of a polynomial II
344 26.6.2020 Enric Nart MacLane-Vaquié chains of valuations on a polynomial ring
343 26.6.2020 Nathália Moraes de Oliveira and Enric Nart Computation of residual polynomial operators of inductive valuations
342 26.6.2020 Maria Alberich-Carramiñana, Alberto F. Boix, Julio Fernández, Jordi Guàrdia, Enric Nart and Joaquim Roé Invariants of limit key polynomials
341 25.5.2020 Giulio Peruginelli and Dario Spirito The Zariski-Riemann space of valuation domains associated to pseudo-convergent sequences
340 25.5.2020 Michel Vaquié Valuation augmentée et paire minimale
339 3.4.2020 Rankeya Datta and Takumi Murayama Tate algebras and Frobenius non-splitting of excellent regular rings
338 19.3.2020 Raf Cluckers, Immanuel Halupczok and Silvain Rideau-Kikuchi Hensel minimality
337 21.2.2020 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Valued fields with finitely many Artin Schreier defect extensions
336 21.2.2020 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann A classification of Artin Schreier defect extensions and a characterization of defectless fields (corrected version)
335 14.2.2020 Benjamin Antieau and Rankeya Datta Valuation rings are derived splinters
334 11.2.2020 Eberhard Becker, Katarzyna and Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Density of Composite places in Function Fields and Application to Real Holomorphy Rings
333 11.2.2020 Pablo Cubides Kovacsics, Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann and Anna Rzepka (formerly Blaszczok) On valuation independence and defectless extensions of valued fields
332 11.2.2020 Arpan Dutta and Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Eliminating Tame Ramification: generalizations of Abhyankar's Lemma
331 19.1.2020 Gérard Leloup Key polynomials, separate and immediate valuations, and simple extensions of valued fields
330 19.1.2020 Ron Brown and Jon Merzel The space of \(\mathbb{R}\)-places on a rational function field
329 12.10.2019 Josnei Antonio Novacoski Extensions of a valuation from K to \(K[x]\)
328 12.10.2019 Steven Dale Cutkosky and Josnei Antonio Novacoski Essentially finite generation of valuation rings in terms of classical invariants
327 12.10.2019 Michael De Moraes and Josnei Antonio Novacoski Perron transforms and Hironaka's game
326 12.10.2019 Hagen Knaf On the projectivity of proper normal curves over valuation domains
325 12.10.2019 Wieslaw Kubis and Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Chain intersection closures
324 12.10.2019 René Bartsch, Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann and Katarzyna Kuhlmann Construction of ball spaces and the notion of continuity
323 12.10.2019 Hanna Ćmiel, Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann and Katarzyna Kuhlmann A generic approach to measuring the strength of completeness/compactness of various types of spaces and ordered structures
322 5.3.2019 Sylvy Anscombe, Philip Dittmann and Arno Fehm Approximation Theorems for Spaces of Localities
321 25.11.2018 Piotr Błaszkiewicz, Hanna Ćmiel, Alessandro Linzi and Piotr Szewczyk Caristi-Kirk and Oettli-Théra ball spaces, and applications
320 11.11.2018 Anna Blaszczok and Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Deeply ramified fields, semitame fields, and the classification of defect extensions
319 13.9.2018 Michel Vaquié Famille admise associée à une valuation de K(x)
318 12.9.2018 Krzysztof Nowak Some results of geometry over henselian fields with analytic structure
317 12.9.2018 Krzysztof Nowak A non-archimedean version of the Tietze-Urysohn Theorem over henselian valued fields
316 12.9.2018 Gönenç Onay \(\mathbb{F}_p((X))\) is decidable as a module over the additive polynomials
315 12.9.2018 Gönenç Onay Valued modules over skew polynomial rings 1
314 12.9.2018 Salih Durhan and Gönenç Onay Quantifier Elimination for Valued Fields Equipped with an Automorphism
313 12.6.2018 Josnei Antonio Novacoski Key Polynomials and Minimal Pairs
312 2.6.2018 Steven Dale Cutkosky and Hussein Mourtada Defect and local uniformization
311 2.6.2018 Ed Mosteig Well-Ordered Valuations on Rational Function Fields in Two Variables
310 1.6.2018 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann, Katarzyna Kuhlmann and Matthias Paulsen The Caristi-Kirk Fixed Point Theorem from the point of view of ball spaces
309 1.6.2018 Jan Dobrowolski and Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Valuation theory, generalized IFS attractors and fractals
308 7.3.2018 Luck Darniere and Immanuel Halupczok Cell decomposition and classification of definable sets in \(p\)-optimal fields
307 7.3.2018 Franziska Jahnke and Immanuel Halupczok A definable henselian valuation with high quantifier complexity
306 7.3.2018 Raf Cluckers and Immanuel Halupczok Approximations and Lipschitz continuity in \(p\)-adic semi-algebraic and subanalytic geometry
305 7.3.2018 Immanuel Halupczok and Yimu Yin Lipschitz stratifications in power-bounded o-minimal fields
304 7.3.2018 Immanuel Halupczok Non-Archimedean Whitney stratifications
303 7.3.2018 Immanuel Halupczok Trees of definable sets in \(\mathbb{Z})_p
302 7.3.2018 Immanuel Halupczok Trees of definable sets over the \(p\)-adics
301 30.12.2017 Krzysztof Nowak Aclosedness theorem over henselian fields with analytic structure
300 4.9.2017 Arno Fehm and Franziska Jahnke Recent Progress on Definability of Henselian Valuation
299 4.9.2017 Franziska Jahnke When does NIP transfer from fields to henselian expansions?
298 4.9.2017 Franziska Jahnke and Pierre Simon NIP henselian valued fields
297 4.9.2017 Sylvy Anscombe and Franziska Jahnke Henselianity in the language of ring
296 4.9.2017 Franziska Jahnke, Pierre Simon and Erik Walsberg Dp-minimal valued fields
295 4.9.2017 Immanuel Halupczok and Franziska Jahnke A definable henselian valuation with high quantifier complexity
294 4.9.2017 Franziska Jahnke and Jochen Koenigsmann Defining coarsenings of valuations
293 4.9.2017 Arno Fehm and Franziska Jahnke On the quantifier complexity of definable canonical henselian valuations
292 4.9.2017 Franziska Jahnke and Jochen Koenigsmann Uniformly defining \(p\)-henselian valuations
291 4.9.2017 Franziska Jahnke and Jochen Koenigsmann Definable henselian valuation
290 29.7.2017 Lou van den Dries and Nigel Pynn-Coates On the uniqueness of maximal immediate extensions of valued differential fields
289 25.7.2017 Jana Marikova O-minimal residue fields of o-minimal fields
288 25.7.2017 C. F. Ealy and Jana Marikova Model completeness of o-minimal fields with convex valuations
287 25.7.2017 C. F. Ealy, Deirdre Haskell and Jana Marikova Residue field domination in real closed valued fields
286 28.6.2017 Yatir Halevi and Assaf Hasson Eliminating Field Quantifiers in Algebraically Maximal Kaplansky Fields
285 28.6.2017 Yatir Halevi and Assaf Hasson Strongly Dependent Ordered Abelian Groups and Henselian Fields
284 28.6.2017 Yatir Halevi On Stably Pointed Varieties and Generically Stable Groups in ACVF
283 7.6.2017 Krzysztof Nowak The closedness theorem and its applications in algebraic geometry over Henselian valued fields
282 26.5.2017 Ivan Chipchakov On the Brauer \(p\)-dimensions of Henselian discrete valued fields of residual characteristic \(p > 0\)
281 26.5.2017 Anna Blaszczok and Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Counting the number of distinct distances of elements in valued field extensions
280 12.4.2017 Krzysztof Nowak The closedness theorem over Henselian valued fields
279 30.3.2017 Krzysztof Nowak Piecewise continuity of functions definable over Henselian rank one valued fields
278 30.3.2017 Krzysztof Nowak On functions given by algebraic power series over Henselian valued fields
277 30.3.2017 Krzysztof Nowak Hölder and Lipschitz continuity of functions definable over Henselian rank one valued fields
276 30.3.2017 Krzysztof Nowak A density property of Henselian valued fields
275 30.3.2017 Julie Decaup, Mark Spivakovsky and Wael Mahboub Abstract key polynomials and comparison theorems with the key polynomials of Mac Lane - Vaquié
274 30.3.2017 F.J. Herrera Govantes, W. Mahboub, M.A. Olalla Acosta and M. Spivakovsky Key polynomials for simple extensions of valued fields
273 30.3.2017 Wael Mahboub Key Polynomials
272 30.3.2017 Josnei Novacoski and Mark Spivakovsky Key polynomials and pseudo-convergent sequences
271 11.3.2017 Ron Brown and Jon Merzel The space of real places on \(\mathbb{R}(x,y)\)
270 20.2.2017 Raf Cluckers and Francois Loeser \(b\)-Minimality
269 20.1.2017 Steven Dale Cutkosky Ramification of valuations and local rings in positive characteristic
268 20.1.2017 Steven Dale Cutkosky Counterexamples to local monomialization in positive characteristic
267 20.1.2017 Steven Dale Cutkosky The role of defect and splitting in finite generation of extensions of associated graded rings along a valuation
266 20.1.2017 Steven Dale Cutkosky and Pham An Vinh Valuation semigroups of two dimensional local rings
265 20.1.2017 Steven Dale Cutkosky A generalization of the Abhyankar Jung Theorem to associated graded rings of valuations
264 20.1.2017 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Elimination of Ramification II: Henselian Rationality
263 23.11.2016 Adel Khalfallah and Siegmund Kosarew On boundedness and completion in Nonstandard Analysis
262 23.11.2016 Giulio Peruginelli Transcendental extensions of a valuation domain of rank one
261 23.11.2016 Jungkuk Lee and Wan Lee On the structure of certain valued fields
260 23.11.2016 Katarzyna Kuhlmann and Przemyslaw Koprowski Places, cuts and orderings of function fields
259 23.11.2016 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann, Katarzyna Kuhlmann and Fatma Sonaallah Coincidence Point Theorems for Ball Spaces and Their Applications
258 23.11.2016 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann and Salma Kuhlmann Valuation theory of exponential Hardy fields II: Principal parts of germs in the Hardy field of o-minimal exponential expansions of the reals
257 23.11.2016 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Notes on selected methods for the classification of cuts and their applications
256 23.11.2016 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann, Katarzyna Kuhlmann and Catalina Visan Valuations on rational function fields that are invariant under permutation of the variables
255 18.6.2015 Josnei Novacoski and Mark Spivakovsky On the Local Uniformization Problem
254 18.6.2015 Josnei Novacoski and Mark Spivakovsky Reduction of Local Uniformization to the Case of Rank One Valuations for Rings with Zero Divisors
253 18.6.2015 Josnei Novacoski Topologies on Spaces of Valuations: a Closeness Criterion
252 18.6.2015 Josnei Novacoski The Scott Topology of a Rooted Non-metric Tree
251 18.6.2015 Katarzyna and Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Fixed point theorems for spaces with a transitive relation
250 18.6.2015 Anna Blaszczok and Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann On maximal immediate extensions of valued fields
249 16.10.2014 Pinaki Mondal Projective completions of affine varieties via degree-like functions
248 16.10.2014 Pinaki Mondal How to determine the sign of a valuation on \(\mathbb{C}[x, y]\)?
247 16.10.2014 Pinaki Mondal Mori dream surfaces associated with curves with one place at infinity
246 7.8.2014 Ivan Chipchakov On Brauer \(p\)-dimensions and index-exponent relations over finitely-generated field extensions
245 7.8.2014 Ivan Chipchakov On the behaviour of Brauer \(p\)-dimensions under finitely-generated field extensions
244 14.7.2014 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Notes on extremal and tame valued fields
243 11.2.2014 Alexander Prestel Definable henselian valuation rings
242 11.2.2014 Alexander Prestel and Samuel Volkweis Leite Algebraic Characterization of Rings of Continuous \(p\)-adic valued functions
241 11.2.2014 Bernard Teissier Overweight deformations of affine toric varieties and local uniformization
240 11.2.2014 Katarzyna and Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann, Saharon Shelah Symmetrically Complete Ordered Sets, Abelian Groups and Fields
239 11.2.2014 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann and Josnei Novacoski Henselian Elements
238 11.2.2014 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann and Asim Naseem Defects of Algebraic Function Fields, Completion Defects and Defect Quotients
237 4.9.2013 Adel Khalfallah and Siegmund Kosarew Complex spaces and nonstandard schemes
236 4.9.2013 Adel Khalfallah New non-standard topologies
235 12.4.2013 Katarzyna Kuhlmann The structure of spaces of \(\mathbb{R}\)-places of rational function fields over real closed fields
234 12.4.2013 Anna Blaszczok and Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Algebraic independence of elements in immediate extensions of valued fields
233 1.3.2013 Alberto Camara Locally convex structures on higher local fields
232 1.3.2013 Alberto Camara Functional analysis on two-dimensional local fields
231 1.3.2013 Alberto Camara Topology on rational points over higher local fields
230 20.12.2012 Anna Blaszczok Infinite towers of Artin-Schreier defect extensions of rational function fields
229 20.12.2012 Liang Xiao and Igor Zhukov Ramification of higher local fields, approaches and questions
228 12.11.2012 Pierrette Cassou-Nogues and Anatoly Libgober Multivariable Hodge theoretical invariants of germs of plane curves. II
227 2.10.2012 Pablo Cubides Kovacsics An introduction to \(C\)-minimal structures and their cell decomposition theorem
226 2.10.2012 Hussein Mourtada Jet schemes of rational double point singularities
225 1.10.2012 Lou van den Dries Truncation in Hahn fields
224 27.9.2012 Cristina Rodriguez, Angel Granja and Carmen Martinez Extending real valuations to skew polynomial rings
223 23.9.2012 Mickael Matusinski On generalized series fields and exponential-logarithmic series fields with derivations
222 21.9.2012 C. Favre, S. Boucksom and M. Jonsson A refinement of Izumi's theorem
221 22.7.2012 Steven Dale Cutkosky Valuation semigroups of Noetherian local domains
220 17.7.2012 Koushik Pal Multiplicative valued difference fields
218 25.6.2012 Josnei Novacoski Valuations centered at a two-dimensional regular local ring: Infima and Topologies
217 24.6.2012 Samiha Monceur and Ihsen Yengui On the leading terms ideals of polynomial ideals over a valuation ring
216 18.6.2012 Claudia Degroote and Jeroen Demeyer Hilbert's Tenth Problem for rational function fields over \(p\)-adic fields
215 1.6.2012 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann and Izabela Vlahu The relative approximation degree in valued function fields
214 1.6.2012 Immanuel Halupczok Stratifications in valued fields
213 30.5.2012 F. J. Herrera Govantes, Miguel Olalla Acosta, Mark Spivakovsky and Bernard Teissier Extending valuations to formal completions
212 30.5.2012 F. J. Herrera Govantes, Miguel Olalla Acosta, Mark Spivakovsky and Bernard Teissier Extending a valuation centered in a local domain to the formal completion
211 29.5.2012 Salih Durhan (formerly Azgin) Additive Polynomials over Perfect Fields
210 28.5.2012 Shai Sarussi Quasi-Valuations - Topology and the Weak Approximation Theorem
209 27.5.2012 Katarzyna and Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Embedding theorems for spaces of \(\mathbb{R}\)-places of rational function fields and their products
208 18.5.2012 Danielle Gondard On \(\mathbb{R}\)-places and related topics
207 14.5.2012 Laurent Moret-Bailly An extension of Greenberg's theorem to general valuation rings
206 14.5.2012 Laurent Moret-Bailly Un theoreme de l'application ouverte sur les corps values algebriquement clos
205 11.5.2012 Kamal Aghigh, Anuj Bishnoi, Sanjeev Kumar and Sudesh Kaur Khanduja A study of irreducible polynomials over henselian valued fields via distinguished pairs
204 11.5.2012 Sudesh K. Khanduja and Ramneek Khassa A generalization of Eisenstein-Schönemann Irreducibility Criterion
203 11.5.2012 Sudesh K. Khanduja On Brown's constant associated with irreducible polynomials over henselian valued fields
202 20.4.2012 Josnei Novacoski and Mark Spivakovsky Reduction of Local Uniformization to the Rank One Case
201 3.4.2012 Vincent Cossart, Mickael Matusinski and Guillermo Moreno-Socias Existence des diviseurs dicritiques, d'apres S.S. Abhyankar
200 29.3.2012 Arno Fehm and Lior Bary-Soroker On Fields of Totally \(S\)-adic Numbers
199 20.1.2012 Paulo Ribenboim The Immersion of Ultrametric Spaces into Hahn Spaces
198 20.1.2012 Sibylla Priess-Crampe and Paulo Ribenboim Ultrametric Dynamics
197 29.12.2011 Katarzyna and Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann A common generalization of metric, ultrametric and topological fixed point theorems
196 29.12.2011 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann The algebra and model theory of tame valued fields
195 5.12.2011 Sudesh K. Khanduja and Sanjeev Kumar On irreducible factors of polynomials over complete fields
194 16.5.2011 Katarzyna and Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Structure and embedding theorems for spaces of \(\mathbb{R}\)-places of rational function fields and their products
193 11.5.2011 Henri Lombardi, Peter Schuster and Ihsen Yengui The Gröbner Ring Conjecture in One Variable
192 12.4.2011 Ivan Chipchakov Demushkin groups and inverse Galois theory for pro-\(p\)-groups of finite rank and maximal \(p\)-extensions
191 23.3.2011 Anuj Bishnoi and Sudesh K. Khanduja A class of trinomials with Galois group \(S_n\)
190 23.3.2011 Anuj Bishnoi and Sudesh K. Khanduja On algebraically maximal valued fields and defectless extensions
189 23.3.2011 Sudesh K. Khanduja and Ramneek Khassa On invariants and strict systems of irreducible polynomials over henselian valued fields
188 23.3.2011 Sudesh K. Khanduja, Ramneek Khassa and Shanta Laishram Some irreducibility results for truncated binomial expansions
187 23.3.2011 Sudesh K. Khanduja and Ramneek Khassa A generalization of Eisenstein-Schönemann Irreducibility Criterion
186 23.3.2011 Sudesh K. Khanduja and Ramneek Khassa Subfields of henselian valued fields
185 25.10.2010 Mohammad Moghaddam On Izumi's Theorem on the comparison of valuations
184 30.5.2010 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann, Michal Machura and Katarzyna Osiak Metrizability of spaces of \(\mathbb{R}\)-places of function fields of transcendence degree 1 over real closed fields
182 10.3.2010 Joseph Flenner Relative decidability and definability in henselian valued fields
181 29.6.2009 Anuj Bishoi and Sudesh K. Khanduja On Eisenstein–Dumas and generalized Schönemann polynomials
180 27.6.2009 Salih Azgin, Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann and Florian Pop Characterization of Extremal Valued Fields
179 16.6.2009 Itay Kaplan, Thomas Scanlon and Frank Wagner Artin–Schreier extensions in dependent and simple fields
178 8.6.2009 Fuensanta Aroca Krull–Tropical Hypersurfaces
177 24.5.2009 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann The defect
176 24.5.2009 Osiak, K. - Machura, M. - Kuhlmann, F.-V. Spaces of \(\mathbb{R}\)-places of function fields over real closed fields
175 30.10.2008 Gerard Leloup Existentially equivalent cyclic ultrametric spaces and cyclically valued groups
174 28.8.2008 Amrit Pal Singh and Sudesh K. Khanduja On Construction of Saturated Distinguished Chains
173 28.8.2008 Munish Kumar and Sudesh K. Khanduja A formula for Tignol's constant
172 28.8.2008 Munish Kumar and Sudesh K. Khanduja A Generaization of Dedekind Criterion
171 28.8.2008 Munish Kumar and Sudesh K. Khanduja On a Theorem of Dedekind
170 1.7.2008 Steven Dale Cutkosky and Bernard Teissier Semigroups of Valuations on Local Rings, II
169 1.7.2008 Steven Dale Cutkosky and Bernard Teissier Semigroups of Valuations on Local Rings
168 28.5.2008 Ron Brown Roots of Irreducible Polynomials in Tame Henselian Extension Fields
167 18.3.2008 Danielle Gondard and Murray Marshall Real holomorphy rings and the complete real spectrum
166 12.3.2008 Antongiulio Fornasiero, Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann and Salma Kuhlmann Towers of complements to valuation rings and truncation closed embeddings of valued fields
165 28.1.2008 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann, Salma Kuhlmann and Jonathan W. Lee Valuation bases for generalized algebraic series fields
164 12.6.2007 Ron Brown Roots of Generalized Schönemann Polynomials in Henselian Extension Fields
163 24.5.2007 Cornel Baetica and Freddy van Oystaeyen Unramified Reductors of Filtered and Graded Algebras
162 29.1.2007 Kiran S. Kedlaya Semistable reduction for overconvergent \(F\)-isocrystals, III: Local semistable reduction at monomial valuations
161 29.1.2007 Hagen Knaf and Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Every place admits local uniformization in a finite extension of the function field
160 18.8.2006 Laura Ghezzi and Olga Kashcheyeva Toroidalization of generating sequences in dimension two function fields of positive characteristic
159 18.8.2006 Laura Ghezzi, H.T. Ha and Olga Kashcheyeva Toroidalization of generating sequences in dimension two function fields
158 15.8.2006 David Brink New Light on Hensel's Lemma
157 27.9.2005 Michel Vaquié Valuations and local uniformization
156 27.9.2005 Michel Vaquié Famille admise associée à une valuation de \(K[x]\)
155 27.9.2005 Michel Vaquié Défaut
154 27.9.2005 Michel Vaquié Algèbre graduée associé a une valuation de \(K[x]\)
153 18.8.2005 Kiran S. Kedlaya Algebraic Generalized Power Series and Automata
152 18.8.2005 Kiran S. Kedlaya Semistable reduction for overconvergent \(F\)-isocrystals, II: A valuation-theoretic approach
151 18.8.2005 Kiran S. Kedlaya A \(p\)-adic local monodromy theorem
150 17.6.2005 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Elimination of Ramification I: The Generalized Stability Theorem
149 31.5.2005 Antongiulio Fornasiero Embedding Henselian fields in power series
148 14.4.2005 Edward Mosteig Value Monoids of Zero-Dimensional Valuations of Rank One
147 14.2.2005 Amrit Pal Singh and Sudesh K. Khanduja On a theorem of Tignol for defectless extensions and its converse
145 3.10.2004 Ido Efrat Quotients of Milnor \(K\)-rings, orderings, and valuations
144 5.7.2004 Charles Favre and Mattias Jonsson Valuative analysis of planar pluri-subharmonic functions
143 5.7.2004 Charles Favre and Mattias Jonsson Valuations and multiplier ideals
142 17.6.2004 Salma Kuhlmann and Saharon Shelah $\kappa$-bounded Exponential-Logarithmic Power Series Fields
141 13.6.2004 Hagen Knaf Regulat local algebras over a Prüfer domain: weak dimension and regular sequences
139 6.6.2004 Charles W. Holland, Salma Kuhlmann and Stephen McCleary Lexicographic exponentiation of chains
138 6.6.2004 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Dense subfields of henselian fields, and integer parts
137 6.6.2004 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Additive Polynomials and Their Role in the Model Theory of Valued Fields
136 9.5.2004 Hagen Knaf and Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Abhyankar places admit local uniformization in any characteristic
135 15.4.2004 Jochen Koenigsmann Products of absolute Galois groups
134 15.4.2004 Jochen Koenigsmann Projective extensions of fields
133 1.12.2003 Steven Dale Cutkosky and Olivier Piltant Ramification of valuations
132 1.12.2003 Steven Dale Cutkosky Completions of valuation rings
131 1.12.2003 Steven Dale Cutkosky Monomialization of transcendental extensions
130 16.4.2003 Jakob Cimpric Valuation theory of higher level *-signatures
129 16.4.2003 Jakob Cimpric Real spectra of quantum groups
128 16.4.2003 Jakob Cimpric Free skew fields have many *-orderings
127 26.1.2003 Michele Giraudet, Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann and Gerard Leloup Formal power series with cyclically ordered exponents
126 12.1.2003 Lou van den Dries On finite inertial extensions of a valued field
125 7.1.2003 Marcus Tressl Pseudo Completions and Completions in Stages of o-minimal Structures
124 3.1.2003 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann A correction to Epp's paper ``Elimination of wild ramification''
123 2.12.2002 E. D. Tymchatyn and M. Zarichnyi A note on operators extending partial ultrametrics
122 25.11.2002 Matthias Aschenbrenner and Lou van den Dries Liouville closed \(H\)-fields
121 20.10.2002 Hagen Knaf Chains of prime ideals in flat algebras over Prüfer domains (An addendum to an article of M. Nagata)
120 17.10.2002 Charles Favre and Mattias Jonsson The valuative tree
119 19.8.2002 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Places of algebraic function fields in arbitrary characteristic
118 21.6.2002 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Maps on ultrametric spaces, Hensel's Lemma, and differential equations over valued fields
117 17.5.2002 Luc Bélair, Angus Macintyre and Thomas Scanlon Model Theory of Frobenius on Witt Vectors
116 8.5.2002 Thomas Craven and Tara Smith Ordered *-rings
115 8.5.2002 Thomas Craven and Tara Smith Semiorderings and Witt rings
114 28.3.2002 Michel Vaquié Extension d'une valuation
113 16.3.2002 Salma and Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Valuation theory of exponential Hardy fields I
112 22.2.2002 Konstantin Ponomaryov Some characteristics of formula sets in the whole of \(p\)-adics
111 6.2.2002 Deirdre Haskell, Ehud Hrushovski and Dugald Macpherson Definable sets in algebraically closed valued fields. Part I: elimination of imaginaries
110 31.1.2002 Lawrence Ein, Robert Lazarsfeld and Karen E. Smith Uniform approximation of Abhyankar valuation ideals in smooth function fields
109 29.11.2001 Henri Lombardi About Merckel's lemma
108 16.11.2001 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann, Salma Kuhlmann and Saharon Shelah Functorial Equations for Lexicographic Products
107 12.11.2001 Alexander Prestel and Niels Schwartz Model theory of real closed rings
106 11.11.2001 Edward Mosteig and Moss Sweedler Valuations and Filtrations
105 16.10.2001 Saurabh Bhatia and Sudesh K. Khanduja A characterization of Krasner's constant
104 7.9.2001 S. Dale Cutkosky Generically finite morphisms
103 22.8.2001 Edward Mosteig Computing Leading Exponents of Noetherian Power Series
102 10.8.2001 Edward Mosteig and Moss Sweedler Well-ordered valuations on characteristic zero rational function fields of transcendence degree two
101 10.8.2001 Moss Sweedler Ideal Bases and Valuation Rings
99 17.7.2001 Bernard Teissier Valuations, deformations, and toric geometry
98 16.7.2001 Jack Ohm V-rational fields
97 15.7.2001 Peter Roquette History of Valuation Theory, Part I
96 4.5.2000 Ruth I. Michler Invariants of Singular Plane Curves
95 2.5.2000 Florian Pop Classically projective groups and pseudo classically closed fields
94 27.4.2000 Alexander Zheglov Wild division algebras over Laurent series fields
93 24.4.2001 Roland Auer Curves over finite fields with many points obtained by ray class field extensions
92 22.4.2001 Kamal Aghigh and Sudesh K. Khanduja On the main invariant of elements algebraic over a henselian valued field
91 22.4.2001 Saurabh Bhatia and Sudesh K. Khanduja Difference polynomials and their generalizations
90 22.3.2001 Pedro Fortuny Ayuso The Valuative Theory of Foliations
89 27.12.2000 Tom Craven *-valuations and Hermitian forms on skew fields
88 24.12.2000 Falko Lorenz and Peter Roquette On the Theorem of Grunwald-Wang in the setting of Valuation Theory
87 8.12.2000 F.-V. Kuhlmann, H. Lombardi and H. Perdry Dynamic computations inside the algebraic closure of a valued field
86 6.12.2000 Barry Green Automorphisms of formal power series rings over a valuation ring
85 26.11.2000 Hagen Knaf Regular curves over Pruefer domains
84 16.11.2000 Raf Cluckers Classification of semi-algebraic \(p\)-adic sets up to semi-algebraic bijection
83 15.11.2000 Miguel Angel Olalla On the dimension of discrete valuations of \(k((X_1,...,X_n))\)
82 3.11.2000 Vincent Cossart and Guillermo Moreno-Socias Irreducibility Criterion: a geometric point of view
81 1.11.2000 K. Aghigh and Sudesh K. Khanduja A Note on Tame Fields
80 1.11.2000 Sudesh K. Khanduja The minimum property for Krasner's constant
79 1.11.2000 Erwin Schoerner Ultrametric Fixed Point Theorems and Applications
78 30.10.2000 Miguel Angel Olalla Explicit constructions in discrete valuations
77 10.10.2000 Jan Denef and Hans Schoutens On the Decidability of the Existential Theory of Fp[[t]]
76 4.10.2000 Herve Perdry A generalization of Hensel's Lemma
75 3.10.2000 S. Dale Cutkosky Monomialization of morphisms from 3 folds to surfaces
74 27.9.2000 Hans-Heinrich Brungs and Guenter Toerner Left valuation rings, left cones, and a question of Frege's
73 27.9.2000 Wenfeng Gao, David B. Leep, Jan Minac and Tara L. Smith Galois groups over nonrigid fields
72 27.9.2000 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Invariance group and invariance valuation ring of a cut
71 27.9.2000 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Value groups, residue fields and bad places of rational function fields
70 29.8.2000 Jochen Koenigsmann Elementary characterization of fields by their absolute Galois groups
69 29.8.2000 Jochen Koenigsmann Relatively projective groups as absolute Galois groups
68 29.8.2000 Jochen Koenigsmann Encoding valuations in absolute Galois groups
67 5.8.2000 David Harbater and Marius van der Put Valued fields and covers in characteristic p
66 28.7.2000 Alexander Prestel Bounds for representations of polynomials positive on compact semi-algebraic sets
65 9.7.2000 Joachim Graeter Dubrovin valuation rings and orders in central simple algebras
64 16.6.2000 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann and Peter Roquette Abhyankar places admit local uniformization in any characteristic
63 14.6.2000 Hagen Knaf Divisors on varieties over valuation domains
62 12.6.2000 Salma and Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Valuation theory of exponential Hardy fields
61 4.6.2000 Tohsuke Urabe New ideas for resolution of singularities
60 1.6.2000 Helen G. Grundmann and Tara Smith Q-adequate bicyclic bicubic fields
59 31.5.2000 V. Cossart, O. Piltant and A. J. Reguera-Lopez Divisorial valuations on rational surface singularities
58 27.5.2000 Matthias Aschenbrenner Some Remarks About Asymptotic Couples
57 24.5.2000 H. H. Brungs, H. Marubayashi and E. Osmanagic Prime segments for cones and rings
56 23.5.2000 Thomas Scanlon Quantifier Elimination for the Relative Frobenius
55 22.5.2000 Patrick Popescu-Pampu Approximate Roots
54 22.5.2000 Mari-Emi Alonso and Henri Lombardi Generalized Taylor formulas, computations in real closed valued fields and quantifier elimination
53 20.5.2000 S. Dale Cutkosky Resolution of morphisms
52 15.5.2000 Serban Basarab The arithmetic-arboreal structure of a Pruefer domain I
51 4.5.2000 Marius van der Put Valuation theory in rigid geometry and curves over valuation rings
50 25.4.2000 Alexander Prestel Bounds for representations of polynomials positive on compact semi-algebraic sets
49 28.2.2000 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann, Salma Kuhlmann, Murray Marshall and Mahdi Zekavat Embedding ordered fields in formal power series fields
48 10.4.2000 Roozbeh Hazrat Wedderburn's Factorization Theorem, Application to Reduced K-Theory
47 10.4.2000 Roozbeh Hazrat SK1-like functors for division algebras
46 7.4.2000 Lou van den Dries and Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Images of additive polynomials in Fq((t)) have the optimal approximation property
45 7.4.2000 Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann and Henri Lombardi Construction du henselise d'un corps value
44 14.3.2000 Antonio Campillo and Santiago Encinas Complete ideals and bivariate Hermite interpolation
43 7.3.2000 Antonio Campillo and Carlos Galindo Syzygies of the Graded Algebra Relative to a Valuation
42 4.3.2000 Robert Connelly, I. Sabitov and Anke Walz The Bellows Conjecture
41 2.3.2000 Pascal Hitzler and Tony Seda +++TODO
40 1.3.2000 William Heinzer, Christel Rotthaus and Sylvia Wiegand Approximating discrete valuation rings by regular local rings - A remark on local uniformization
39 28.2.2000 Adrian Wadsworth Valuation theory on finite dimensional division algebras
38 25.2.2000 Joachim Schmid A density property for PpC fields
37 25.2.2000 Jack Ohm A valuation-theoretic approach to non-rationality of the curves Y2 = f(X)
36 17.2.2000 Gerard Leloup Preorders, rings, lattice-ordered groups and formal power series
35 17.2.2000 Shreeram S. Abhyankar Two step descent in modular Galois theory, theorems of Burnside and Cayley, and Hilbert's thirteenth problem
34 8.2.2000 Urs T. Hartl Line Bundles on Rigid Analytic Spaces
33 1.2.2000 Rebecca Goldin and Bernard Teissier Resolving singularities of plane analytic branches with one toric morphism
32 1.2.2000 Bernard Teissier Three facts of valuation theory
31 26.1.2000 Marcus Tressl The elementary theory of Dedekind cuts
30 23.1.2000 Konstantin Ponomaryov Some generalizations of the Abhyankar lemma
29 20.1.2000 S. Akbari and M. Mahdavi-Hezavehi Valuations and maximal subgroups of D*
29 20.1.2000 S. Akbari and M. Mahdavi-Hezavehi Valuations and maximal subgroups of D*
28 10.1.2000 Tim Gardener and Hans Schoutens Rigid subanalytic sets
27 na Franz Bernhard Kalhoff A Note on the Place Topology of Projective Planes
26 na Franz Bernhard Kalhoff On Epimorphisms and Projectivities of Projective Planes
25 na Herve Perdry A generalization of Hensel's Lemma, following a previous result of S.K Khanduja and J. Saha
24 na Thomas Scanlon Quantifier Elimination for the Relative Frobenius
23 na Thomas Scanlon A Model Complete Theory of Valued D-Fields (dvi, ps)
22 na Matthias Aschenbrenner and Lou van den Dries H-Fields and Their Liouville Extensions
21 na Matthias Aschenbrenner and Lou van den Dries Closed Asymptotic Couples
20 na Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Elementary properties of power series fields over finite fields (article, abstract)
19 na Peter Roquette On the History of Valuation Theory. Part I: 1910--1950
18 na Lou van den Dries On the elementary theory of rings of Witt vectors with multiplicative set of representatives for the residue field
17 na Steven Dale Cutkosky Local monomialization and Factorization of Morphisms
16 na Ido Efrat Finitely generated pro-p Galois groups of \(p\)-henselian fields
15 na Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann A theorem about maps on spherically complete ultrametric spaces, and its applications
14 na Murray Marshall *-orderings on a ring with involution
13 na Murray Marshall A real holomorphy ring without the Schmuedgen property
12 na Murray Marshall and Yufie Zhang Real places and valuations on noncommutative integral domains
11 na Peter Roquette Zum Grunwaldschen Existenzsatz in der Klassenkoerpertheorie
10 na Vincent Cossart Valuations II - Uniformisations et desingularisations des
surfaces d'apres Zariski
9 na Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann On local uniformization in arbitrary characteristic I
8 na Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann Valuation theoretic and model theoretic aspects of local uniformization
7 na Bernard Teissier Valuations, deformations and toric geometry (article, abstract)
6 na Tohsuke Urabe Resolution of Singularities of Germs in Characteristic Positive Associated with Valuation Rings of Iterated Divisor Type
5 na Michel Vaquié Valuations
4 na Lou van den Dries, Angus Macintyre and David Marker Logarithmic-Exponential Series
3 na Lou van den Dries and Patrick Speissegger The Field of Reals with Multisummable Series and the Exponential Function
2 na Sibylla Priess-Crampe and Paulo Ribenboim Homogeneous Ultrametric Spaces. This paper has appeared in: J. Algebra 186 (1996), no. 2, 401--435
1 na Paulo Ribenboim Some examples of valued fields